Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dance Club

Walking into the dance club, she was glad that she had taken her girl friends up on their invitation for the evening. They had tried before to get her to go out with them, and she had always declined. But tonight was different. For the first time in her 52 years she felt truly on her own and independent. She had come to realize that she was in charge of her own life and there was no option clause for having to seek anyone’s approval. She felt alive! Besides, the black dress and heels looked good on her!
The music was loud, and the room was crowded with couples enjoying each other’s company. Single men and women strolled around the bar and hung over the rail surrounding the dance floor. Each one appeared to be flirting and seeking a partner for the evening. The women quickly claimed a table at one end of the oval dance floor, and perched on bar stools as they ordered. The music pounded away a classic rock n roll tune and her two girlfriends hollered out an “Oh Yeah, Baby!” and ogled the butts of a couple of men as they walked past. They were quickly asked out onto the dance floor.
Sitting there with a smile on her face in the semi darkness and twinkling lights, she brushed back her short blonde hair and sighed with pure enjoyment. This was fun. Her heels were tapping time with the music and she strained to hear what the DJ was saying and eventually gave up. She was content. Looking around the room, she didn’t notice the man a few tables down from her, but he had noticed her from the moment she had walked in with the group of over zealous girl friends. She was different, a little older than the other women she had come with, and with an attitude in the way she carried herself that intrigued him. He wanted to dance with her.
It was as she raised her glass to her lips that she noticed him. It was his eyes, almost piercing. She lowered her gaze, but then looked up again. HE WAS LOOKING AT HER. Jitters resembling those of a teenaged girl shook her insides and she almost blushed. She looked away and slowly looked back at him. He was sitting down, but she could tell he was tall, a little older than her and he was definitely a class above the rest of the loud party crowd around them. He nodded his head to her in hello, and she nodded back in reply. He tilted his head toward her again and then toward the dance floor. No words were needed, and she nodded in answer. He stood up and walked toward her. She felt heat. As he moved toward her she never took her eyes from his. They communicated without talking. There would be no need for words. She wanted to dance with him.

Taking her small hand in his, he led her into the crowd. Pushing past the other partners making their way onto the dance floor, she could feel her own heart keeping beat to the music, or was it because he was holding her hand. He stopped and turned, smiling down into her eyes as he let go her one hand and took her other placing it upon his shoulder. Sliding his arm around her, he pulled her into him. She felt completely engulfed by him, and immersed in the look that he was giving her. His eyes had captured hers. Almost as one, they began to sway to the music. Closing her eyes, breaking the power of his magnetic gaze, she let the music and emotion wash over her. The song, a slow, melodious Moody Blues tune, " Oh,I Dreamed Last Night", seemed to capture the moment, and send her reeling into a soft cloud of sensation. She could feel his breath on her temple and the beat of his heart against her ear as she curled into him. She knew him, and yet, did not. It was as if they had danced forever in each other’s arms. She anticipated his every move, and followed. Each beat of the song and each lyric would be forever etched in her mind and on her heart. She sensed the moment, felt his movement, and raised her lips to his.

“If there's a time
And a place to begin love
It must be now
Let it go. Set it free.
Oh I dreamed last night I was hearing, hearing your voice”
(Moody Blues)

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